Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A New Beginning...Again

The only certain thing, is uncertainty. I'm pretty sure somebody has said that before, and probably with more eloquence. Whatever.

This is the beginning of my new blog. I have attempted a few before this on a variety of subjects and well, judging from the fact that I am creating a new one, you can guess how they went. The thing is, I miss having my own tiny little dusty corner of the internet. I miss the creative side of the web. Once in a blue moon I get the urge to create and express myself. This is one of those times.

Recently, I have taken up sewing and as an offshoot, pattern drafting. While this is not exactly a common pastime for a nearly forty year old man, it's what has my fascination at the moment and I'll roll with it. Plus, the idea of actually being able to create garments and objects out of decent solid materials that fit and will not disintegrate like whatever Wal-Mart pablum is readily available, appeals to me on several levels.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and whatever else is out there...You may call me Darkling. I am not here to entertain you. I am here to entertain myself. Watch, learn, read, follow...or don't, it's entirely up to you.

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