Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fashion vs Style

It's sort of a sexist thing to say, I understand this going in.  However, I believe it to be true.

Leave fashion to the women.  Men should work with the concept of style.

Another way to say this would be that I will never make a pair of skinny jeans.  Or bell-bottoms for that matter.  Both are examples of fashion overriding common sense.

If you managed to find a pair of Levis from 1913 that were miraculously preserved (and that fit) you could wear them today and they could easily be incorporated  in a styled appearance.  Case in point:  The following pict is a reproduction pair from the design specifications of 1933 and this guy could walk down the street now and nobody would even look.  Likewise a pair of basic straight leg jeans produced today would be just as useful to a modern gentleman of 2113.  Now try that test with anything that is considered a fashionable garment or part of any trend.

Now, for some contrast examples:
See what I mean?  Fashionable in the 70's does not equal style...anywhere...anytime.  Hipster kids need to go eat a cheeseburger and then buy clothing that fits.  

Guys need to stick to classic style and personalize it a bit here and there.  If a guy tries to follow a fashion trend, eventually there is a going to be a time of regret.  Usually pictures will be involved.  Possibly polyester or slogan t-shirts.  Please, can we stop this madness.

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